Privacy Policy

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At Sky Animation Institute, we understand that your privacy is important to you. We are committed to meeting your expectations and will comply with all applicable privacy and data protection legislation in relation to your personal information and sensitive information.

Here’s a summary of how we protect your privacy:

We only collect what we need to help you with your request or provide you with information that you ask for, personalising it to your interests.
We won’t hang on to your information. If we don’t need it, and you don’t want us to keep it, we’ll delete it.
We want you to understand everything we do with your information, so we’ll try our best to explain with no nonsense.
No surprises — you decide what and how you hear from us.
That goes for everyone. We do not pass your information to third parties for marketing purposes without your knowledge.

In the event that you provide Personal Information, Sky Animation Institute will retain the accurate Personal Information that you have provided. Where Sky Animation Institute collects personal information from you on the Site, its purpose is to provide a means to contact Sky Animation Institute whenever you need to update or correct that information.

Personal information will be kept confidential and will only be used for our research, marketing and strategic customer analysis purposes and other internal business purposes. We do not sell or rent personal information, except where your personal information will be shared with our consultant and you have consented to it. We will share personal information only in circumstances where we are bound by law (including court orders) to do so.

By using the Site, you agree to Sky Animation Institute’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Processing of Personal Information for the purposes set out above. When your personal information is required, Sky Animation Institute will not be obliged to tell you at the time of collection how it will use the personal information. The personal information Sky Animation Institute collects is typically only used to answer your inquiry, process an order, or allow you to access specific services. You will be provided with the opportunity to limit access to your information. If Sky Animation Institute does not receive a response from you to limit access to your information, you will be deemed to have consented to such distribution of your personal information as described above.

Please note that this Privacy Policy may change from time to time at Sky Animation Institute’s sole discretion without notice. If you have any questions regarding the Sky Animation Institute Privacy Policy, collection, use, or disclosure of your Personal Information, please e-mail us at
